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Deux membres clé du Reform Party claquent la porte

Deux membres clé du Reform Party ont démissionné de toutes instances du parti. Le secrétaire général, Miven Tirvengadum et le secrétaire administratif, Vinesh Moheeputh ont soumis leur lettre de démission au leader du parti, Roshi Bhadain. Le leader du Reform Party n’a pas tardé à réagir après la démission du secrétaire général, Miven Tirvengadum. The contribution of Miven Tirvengadum to the Reform Party since 2017, has been great and is much appreciated. It has been a great journey for both Miven and us. We have spent some memorable time together. I can understand his decision to resign, although I do not agree with it. As Leader of the Reform Party, I respect and accept his decision. When the Reform Party succeeds, we will certainly remember that Miven had a helping hand in our success to reform our beloved country. Warm regards my dear brother!”, c’est ce que Roshi Bhadain a écrit sur sa page facebook.

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