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Covid-19: The gift of life is so precious

Coronavirus is wreaking havoc across the globe. The death toll is increasing day by day and the world has come to a standstill. In this time of unprecedented health crisis which has taken us all by surprise, the most important thing that comes to our mind is that money, fame and prestige pale into significance. The current situation is serious. It is a question of life and death and fighting coronavrius is our priority…

We are speechless and feel so grateful towards the heroes of the day who are leaving their families behind to serve the nation to the best of their ability. . Hospital staff, policemen, journalists, bus drivers, garbage collectors, supermarkets’ and drugstores’ staff …. (the list is endless) are ensuring our well being round the clock while we are staying in the comfort of our home.. These people are not celebrities or people of international repute but they are ordinary people who are daily fulfilling their duties in a extraordinary way in a spirit of love, brotherhood and sacrifice.

In many parts of the world, there is an acute shortage of masks and protective equipment in hospitals. However, doctors and nurses are putting their own life at risk to save others. One example among others is a nurse in the United States who chose to put an end to her maternity leave and leave her three month baby behind to help her colleagues who are presently overloaded with work. She understands that her country is facing a situation of national emergency and feels that it is her duty to help out. Besides, the number of health workers who died while taking care of patients infected with coronavirus is countless.

Survivors of life-threatening diseases will tell you that a pint of blood is priceless and it is one of the most precious gifts of love they have ever received in their life. These people generally donate generously to good causes and their motto in life is putting a smile on the face of others and spending quality time with their family rather than making more and more money.  On our death bed, we would certainly like to be surrounded by our dear ones instead of our accountant or stockbroker

Life is too short to hate, hold grudges, rake up the past and criticize. The most precious gifts we can give to others are ourselves, our love, time and support. 

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